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I am going to start a new column types posts to share those tinny winny habits which has got me into huge troubles but always has been a part of me. And when I think about it in this perspective I feel a certain thankfulness towards these quirks of mine.
So lets me start with the one that just inspired me to start this and is the most common of all our nasty habits. So what's coming to your mind-The first thing that comes to mind is our adorable habit of staying absolutely blissfully unaware of where we put our things- the habit of forgetting. Ironically this is what most of us are reminded of when actually it itself is the cause.
We must all have been in a situation when we have searched for it(anything that seems to be more important than our life at that moment and seems to have been misplaced)in all the places we logically derived where it would be, even put our hands in the dustbin to see if it's there- no,then open the door of the fridge- obviously no "but may be I just did 'that' and 'this' and may be 'that' so then 'that's how it could have come here" we are too frustrated to think anything else but somehow we think of eating and then it strikes again-the memory attack now we forget what we were searching for. Desperately connecting the links from whatever action we remember we did we try to trace back- "what is it i was searching for", we go nowhere and give up...hmmmmmmm...then something strikes in our mind "oh I have to do this I need 'this' for 'that' so I was searching for 'this'".Now suddenly, out of complete faith in the amazingly enchanting phenomena the chaos the embodiment of no reasons and by the realisation of how careless we can be are and how lucky we must be to get it under the- table, bed, almirah, fridge, lumps of books we never touched, but no, didn't even leave flower vase and other unimaginable places for 'that' to be under only to find it right under the nose- it is what we are clutching to,now what is it in my pocket. When we are so tensed, or so cool there are these places where unconsciously we tend to put things and forget- our pockets or besides the things we were working on like laptops or inside the books.
At one time I was searching for my spectacles wearing them. I have left my mobile in places and forgotten about them, though I realise it soon and I'll be able to find them(since it has become one of our basic necessities in the modern world). I was supposed to get my laptop to a session(i.e NBS- that's for people who know whats NBS)and realise that I haven't got my laptop only in the venue. Once I also had forgotten that there was this session and that the people were waiting for me to come, because they depended on my laptop. As I was writing this post(the first few lines) I forgot that I have kept my bag right behind me and later I was searching for it and got spooked by the possibility that I must have left it somewhere else and thinking that now its going to be lost.
Every time I get into trouble I almost swear to myself that this is not going to happen again, only to find that it's just going to be another one of those resolutions I've been taking from 15 years. But why do I feel grateful for it now. It's because whenever this quirk of mine has got me into trouble I have always grown more. It revealed that, the things that are actually important and things which I give importance to are very different, the things which I am supposed to remember and the things for which I need to keep a reminder are totally different. The things that are important are those which I can't forget in any situation- the wisdom, the feeling of gratefulness. The things which I should always remember- that I am taken care of, I'm not this body I'm the self, I'm the joy, I'm the peace and the human values without which some people forget that they are human and that nothing else is more precious and important than life. The things that people usually give significance to- money, fame and pride and the thing that are to be pondered on- the purpose of life, what do I actually want, who am I. The responsibilities- towards parents and colleagues and the false behavior people put. The duties towards the society and the carelessness that plague the people. Whenever I have faced trouble due to the things which are i give importance to I have learned that I should give importance to that which actually matter the most. I'm just grateful for this habit of mine it has made me differentiate between what is and what should be.


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